Friday, June 06, 2008

Jessie comes to town...

And a few other pictures :) Our friend Jessie came in all the way from Manhattan, New York to visit for a few days. The weather wasn't perfect but not bad.

I am trying to sleep here! (actually he is asleep)

Jessie and Emily

Hanging out by the river waiting on the kayakers

I love you daddy
SO don't put me in the riverTalk about mischievous!
There goes a kayaker!
Ok, so I can sleep anywhere.
The river in Glacier National Park, next to Going to the Sun Road. Water is a little high right now.
The river coming down from Avalanche Lake.

On our way up to Avalanche Wake.Avalanche Lake, about a 2.5 mile hike one way.
Mountain goats at the lake.
At the end of the hike back by the river.
Jessie's last day :(

1 comment:

Steve Kinley said...

Man, is Oliver getting big! So where's his Tiger's outfit?