Thursday, April 03, 2008

New pictures!

A lot of them! These are in chronological order and start at about 3rd week in Feb.

Who are you?!

I think our cat is bigger than you!
Grandma and Bob
Mimi, Great Grandma Mella, mommy and me!
Oh well, I guess I will just eat him since I can't see himNo MIMI! Not the nose....
Thats it, the good stuff!
Returning from Indiana
My friend Brenna and me
Our friends, Marc, Heidi, and Brenna
Mark and daddy
Happy St. Patrick's Day (a little late...)
That was some good milk
I can stick out my tounge, can you?
I told you our cat was bigger!
Happy Easter! (also late)
What a ride man..I can't believe dad and grandpa think this is fun...
Psyke! It's a blast!
Still not sure what went in my mouth or on my face