Anywho, I have been putting off getting new running shoes, so I finally did it and decided all at the same time I am going to run a marathon this year. MAN, not sure what I was thinking to start with but.... IT SHOULD BE A JOURNEY!

So Sunday roles around, it's freakin cold out on the Mountain and I don't wanna go ski because there has been no new snow. So I go ride the fixed gear, I know here we are back to the bike. I don't have pictures posted because I am using some borrowed wheels until mine are done. I do have the rear wheel, but when I got home Saturday, I got the mail and the envelope that had the lockring in it had ripped open! So still no go. Pictures soon though! ANYWAY, so I am riding on a borrowed rear wheel through some of the MOST BEAUTIFUL countryside imaginable. I hit the half way point, on my way home, up a hill and I hear it. That AWFUL, TERRIBLE hissing sound. Yep, flat tire EXCEPT THIS WAS WAY worse because it was a tubular tire. No way to fix it, so I start walking, cause its cold and I can't stand around waiting for someone in the middle of nowhere. I hitch-hike a ride into the next town and call a friend from there since I now have cell service. BUMMER.... All in all it was a good weekend... Monday was back to work and DODGEBALL!!! Yes I play in a league :)
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